Wholly Healthy

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As Mother

Motherhood is indescribable yet worth the energy it requires to find the most fitting words for each stage.

Becoming a mother has changed my entire existence, from my soul to my priorities, my body to my perspective. Being a mother has made me a far more refined human being and a better conduit and representative of the love, character, and ways of God.

By skill, training, and certification I currently serve in a public position as a health coach. But the title “coach” is simply a vehicle, a permission, a formality. It’s a societal validation that claims I have something to contribute. To one person it’s meaningful, to the next it’s meaningless, to the other it’s worthy of complete criticism and disagreement, especially as the world is now. But I shall not digress to that topic...

My identity and value are not in my role as a coach or who deems my contribution valuable. I think of coaching as a gateway in which I can give someone what I believe is the best that I have; gained through the personal, daily pursuit of whole health, and the experience of life, trials, and relationships as daughter, mentor(ee), friend, sister, student, wife, and mother.

Some of the best fruit that I carry I have sacrificed much for, cultivated meticulously, and worked for diligently and consistently. Most of it has been given to me as a result of God’s grace, His help in purification, His faithfulness to bring increase to seed, His delight in rewarding good deeds, His design for inheritance, and His ways of generously giving to me and my life through others.

I always share from a perspective that endeavors ongoing transformation by way of various roles, situations, and God’s constant work within me. I invest time and energy to increase my perspective every day by utilizing, studying, and listening to others. Growth in perspective doesn’t happen passively but actively. And it’s most purely developed alongside transformation through sanctification.

For the upcoming months I plan to share with you many application points through the lens of mother. I will share ideas, both tangible and intangible that I’ve gathered over the last seven years of being a mother. I am not sharing medical advice. I am not making suggestions for you and your journey. I am sharing my “working draft” for what has worked best for me and my family. Integrate as you see fit!

I pray this will release support, strength, and ideas to you. I pray this will inspire you and make you laugh. I pray you will experience the relief that help brings, and the love experienced through genuine care. I pray my sharing will contribute to you developing vision and practices for health in your life. 
