Whole Health
Spirit, Soul, & Body; God’s design, our invitation.

Wholly Healthy
Health Coaching to support your way forward.


God’s invitation to us is to receive Him and be set apart for His purposes; to host His presence and spirit within us, to be made like Him. To consider and steward our health according to His design.

“Now may the God of peace himself sanctify you completely, and may your whole spirit and soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ” (1 Thessalonians 5:23, ESV). God made us three part beings: spirit, soul, and body. Wholly Healthy provides health coaching from the foundation of God’s whole design for health described in the Bible.

God sanctifies, we steward. We renew, God transforms. Our work is responding to His invitation-to know His design and live and take responsibility within it. Choices made against God's design can bring long-term consequences and daily hardship. Every day we have the power to make choices that impact the health of our being, home, relationships, and future…

We were given a free will to choose. What are you doing with your freedom?

Wholly Healthy is ready to support you in your whole health! We are ready for you.



See how Wholly Healthy supports people in advancing their whole heath!


Regardless of your current state of health, Wholly Healthy wants to serve you! Please check out our coaching options for 2024!



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