KERI, ever-growing woman

Keri was raised in an exceptionally athletic home where her father coached college football and her mother was devoted to exercise & physical health. Keri absorbed much knowledge and understanding as her parents lead her by example in body health, including practices of nutrition, exercise, wellness, relaxation, and sleep. Keri and her brothers went on to compete in collegiate sports. She enjoyed this stage of her life and refers to it as "stimulating, challenging, successful, and tangible".

It was good, but not whole.

Hardship in her early twenties exposed her lacking foundation of spirit and soul health. Injury caused Keri's college sports career to end abruptly, and moving forward required her to draw on something besides her body health for strength and purpose. She remembers that she could not find within, the ability to repair her broken body or broken heart. This was deeply discouraging and terrifying. Through this trial, a former softball coach of Keri’s and pastor kindly spent his time teaching Keri from the Bible. Jesus made Himself known to her and He began to show her who she was, her true identity-created by God with purpose, and loved with an all-encompassing love. Keri's life was forever changed.

But the journey toward wholeness had just begun.

"When I chose to believe in Jesus (God the Son) as Savior, turning from my sins and receiving forgiveness from God (God the Father), Holy Spirit (God the Spirit) filled me and my spirit became alive in Christ. This changed everything about my life within. I received spiritual understanding of myself as three parts: spirit, soul, and body. The Holy Spirit began communicating to my Spirit, giving me knowledge and understanding of my soul. Prior to having the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Truth, I didn’t have the ability to see, discern, or understand my soul. My perception was incredibly limited without God! Upon salvation my concept of health received a major upgrade. Now, I could actually learn about health from God, the One who created all by design. I could benefit from the completeness of God working through my spirit to guide and govern my soul and body! Knowing God and walking with Him proved to be the greatest gift. And it was only the beginning!”

Each day presents Keri opportunities to practice whole health. 

Keri explains her whole health journey as one choice at a time, continuously abiding in God, seeking Him to guide and order her health focuses and priorities. “When I look to God as my leader, I encounter His will and counsel for my health. I experience immense relief from the help I receive by way of the counsel of Holy Spirit, for how to live out biblical instruction for my health every day. God knit me together in my mother’s womb, and knows the very hairs on my head; He certainly knows the best strategies for me to manage my health, and He knows what He will allow for me to walk through that will be used for my good and His glory. Each day when I feel tempted to live out of biblical order, and let my soul or body lead my living, I turn to God to grow deeper in understanding His idea of whole health.”

Wholly Healthy’s bible-based approach to relationship, accountability, and service leads people into a place of breakthrough they've longed for.