God, You are great. All the details of my life are ever before You. You are Lord of all. You are above every need, and You are kind in Your ways with me. Your love draws me, to turn to You with all that I am. You are most powerful, and I am kept by Your love.
Thank You for life. Thank You for bringing me into a reconciled relationship with You, my Maker, through your Son Jesus. I trust that You made me well, and that everything that isn’t presently well can be impacted for good. Thank You for having pure intent on my behalf. I trust that You hear my prayers and can do anything that’s in agreement with Your will. Nothing is impossible for You, God. Thank You for every ounce of health that You’ve given me in my life.
Today, I need You to meet me in my present needs and areas of weakness and suffering. I need You to help me accept the difficulty and rise to impact it. Help me see and hear what You are doing and saying. Help me receive from others what would help me heal and advance. God, I need Your help with the functioning of my mouth. I need endurance to partner with You and others to correct this problem. I need wisdom to govern who I partner with, what steps to take, and their specific order. And I need inspiration to practice the daily disciplines required of me.
Where my oral tissue is negatively restricted, please release it.
Where my tongue muscles are weak, please build them with strength.
When my tongue rest posture is down, please remind me to engage and lift it up.
When my tongue is not elevating, please activate it to move rightly.
When my tongue is not supporting my eating, please help my brain with connection.
Where my bite is not aligned, please miraculously correct it.
Where my bone growth is stunted, please grow and increase it.
Where I have nasal structure complications, please miraculously correct it.
When my mouth gets tired of operating, please fill my cells and will with strength.
When I hurry and forget to chew, please put your peace on me and slow my pace.
When I am not chewing my food, balanced, on both sides of my mouth, please make me aware.
When I feel unsafe as I’m eating, please comfort me and ease my brain and mind.
When my mouth feels hypersensitive or hyposensitive, please help me process and regulate.
Where infection is causing inflammation through my airway, please heal me.
When oral hygiene feels overwhelming to maintain, please fill me with understanding its purpose.
When my nose is too inflamed for sufficient breathing, please show me what lifestyle actions to take.
Where my teeth have cavities and weakness, please guide me in how to make them whole.
When I am mouth breathing, please remind me to engage in nasal breathing.
When I am engaging negative oral habits, please show me the pathway out and good replacement steps along the way.
When I am clenching my teeth, please alert me and resolve this destructive pattern.
When I am grinding my teeth, please wake me and reveal the deeper issue causing it.
When my jaw muscles are sore, please set rest upon them.
When ______________________________
God, I trust that You are working all things together for good in my life, even as I bring these issues of health before You. Raise my attention to a greater purpose and plan than the difficulty, pain, and complexity. I cast off all the anxiety that tries to direct me and receive instead Your peace that guards my heart and mind and enables me to make spirit-lead decisions. Thank You for giving me grace to stay present and steadily adapt to the changes You will bring forth. Thank You for allowing the work done for my mouth to impact the rest of my body health for good. I thank You now, and I thank You for the future, when my life and health will display Your touch, and faithfulness to hear my prayers and help me.
I leave all my cares and needs with You. I love You, God.
In Jesus name, amen.