How to Practice Whole Health when Traveling
/I had the special opportunity recently to travel with my husband. I really loved being with him in this way! He makes me feel safe, cared for, and loved when we travel together. And I am very thankful.
We did not travel with our children which gave me space to attend to things I wouldn’t be able to when operating as mother. With that space, I gladly gave significant attention to practicing whole health pre, during, and post travel. I practiced it AND documented it so I could share it with you! Read on to learn some of what I did.
Make a travel schedule that accommodates accurate time calculations, plus some. When establishing a schedule I calculate all the known factors and the time they will actually require. Then I add about 20 minutes of extra time for the unanticipated needs or challenges. Neglecting to plan or operate according to plan is like voluntarily choosing stress. No thanks! Peace is a priority for me-more time, not less time supports that priority.
Consider the future with God. Before my trip I spent time considering, envisioning, and documenting my relationship with God. What we’ve walked through and where we are now. Who I am, in Him and with Him. In light of the truth that God never leaves me, I knew He’d be present in every part of my travel experience. I prepared to know Him and receive from Him within our sacred relationship no matter what the trip included.
Hydrate day-before plane travel. A thorough hydration process needs to happen before demanding physical exertion. Airplane cabins have very low humidity, which can dehydrate the body during a long flight. Additionally, during travel, we don’t always have access to filtered water to stay properly hydrated. This makes day-before travel hydration a must on my priority list.
Make sure what I bring fits in my bags. How annoying is it to have floating belongings in transit or bags that won’t zip or buckles that won’t close because they’re too stuffed? Who wants to pay more money for an “overweight” bag? This trip I asked my husband to reconfigure (think Tetris) how my goodies would fit into my carry-on tote because I knew they could fit! Well, he did it! :)
Legs up the wall. Morning of travel day. Night after travel day. Each morning throughout my travel experience, and evening if I have not had good movement throughout the day. I put my rear to the head of the bed and extend my legs straight up the wall, to avoid hotel room floors. I get my body as close to a right angle as possible and hold that position 5-10 minutes at a time. This supports circulation and lymphatic system function in an unusually helpful way. It also relieves swelling and tension in the lower body.
Choose to walk. I walk through the airport rather than taking elevators, escalators, or moving walkways. I choose to move my body as much as possible in segments of the day when I am not sitting, buckled on an airplane or in a car. I walked for twenty minutes in nature before our travel day home, and I walked after eating several meals while on our trip. Walking before a long travel day or after meals while traveling can support digestion, circulation, and reduce tension in the body from long-held positions.
Bring a water bottle that has a built-in filter. A tool like this can have a proper filtration system built into it that can be used to filter any water you have access to! Just wait to fill it up once you pass through the security check. If this is not an option, I purchase Smart Water once I’ve gone through security at the airport and keep that bottle with me throughout the travel day. I refill that bottle at purified water stations found throughout the airport terminal in many large airports.
Wear socks on travel day. This ensures one tactile barrier when I am required to participate in the public barefoot escapade at security check-in. Also, this is handy if the flight is unusually cold.
Opt-out of CT body scan. Once I’ve put my belongings on the belt for examination, I kindly say to the nearest TSA representative that I am opting out of the body scan and willing to be checked via a body pat down. I pray before, during, and after I make sure to keep breathing and hold my peace and dignity, as it can feel invasive. I’d rather work through a pat-down experience than voluntarily be radiated at any measure. Note: Factor in 10 extra minutes for this opt-out, in the case a proper agent needs to be located and appointed for the task.
Honor the elderly. Can you imagine the courage it requires for an elderly person to travel in present day? Regardless of THEIR capacity or abilities, it can be challenging for me as a thirty-something woman to flow through the technological hoops, endure the physical demand, and adapt to the rushing and waiting. Even subtle gestures preferring the elderly can have great impact and change society!
Help the mother with small children. Do I need to say more? She needs more help than we probably are willing to imagine. I look for the need, I pray, then I ask her if I can step into that space to help her, since I am a stranger. When I am travelling with my children and have less capacity, helping can look like me saying “you’re doing great Mama!” as I pass her, or a gentle “I see you, Mama.”
Nose breathe on an airplane. The air in an aircraft cabin is a mix of fresh air drawn from outside and recirculated air that has passed through high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filters. The nose acts as a filtration system, using tiny hairs called cilia and a sticky mucus lining to trap dust, pollen, bacteria, and other particles before they reach our lungs when we breathe in air. Though I try to nose breathe most of the time (awake or asleep) I increase my intentionality to nose breathe on a plane to add to the air filtering!
Consume protein & fiber on travel day. I focus on consuming good quality protein whenever I eat on a travel day (snacks, meals, or drinks). There is uncertainty surrounding meals and sequence of events on travel days so when I am able to eat, I prioritize protein because it helps me feel satisfied and energized by maintaining stable blood sugar levels, promoting muscle repair, and providing sustained energy throughout the day. I also choose to consume fiber because steady digestion and daily elimination is important to me and can be challenged on an irregular day such as including plane travel.
Inspect lodging upon arrival for mold or mildew. Upon entry I use my senses to detect any odors or visible evidence of mildew or mold. If I observe anything harmful, I will investigate it then speak with a manager or landlord. In our most recent trip, the first hotel room we were given had a strong odor and I found the source being a dirty ceiling air filter that was growing mildew or mold. We dealt with it kindly and adamantly and were immediately relocated. It is not worth spending my nights in a space that is detrimental to my body, if I can impact the situation otherwise.
Be where I was. I set boundaries pertaining to when I would communicate with others who were not with me or where I was. I adore my children but they were not with me. I prepared extensively for their time away from me, so that they could feel secure and taken care of, and so that I wouldn’t have to be constantly contacted on their behalf. I also limited my responding to questions and requests from others that were unrelated to my travel experience. Though I immensely enjoy my online community, I limited the amount of time I engaged on social media. These boundaries were put in place to guard my presence and allow me to give and receive all I could during my trip.
Epsom salt bath after flying. If you don’t want to take a bath in a hotel, I get it! I don’t either. A foot bath can be a good option. Bring 1-2 cups of Epsom salt for the soak on the road. Then I take a bath the night I return home. Why? There is so much we take in when we flight travel- plane emissions, pollutants, chemicals, radiation, synthetic fragrances, viruses, bacteria, etc. Epsom salt, magnesium sulphate, consists of magnesium and Sulphur bonded together. This composition sets it apart from other bath salts. Magnesium helps with muscle relaxation and bowel movements to nervous system function and sleep regulation. The Sulphur aids in internal detoxification, balancing hormones, and expelling waste through the skin.
Start with the sun, end with the sun. I traveled from one time zone to another during my trip. One way I supported my body’s circadian rhythm was by taking in morning light and sunset light each day, signaling to my brain cues for wakefulness and rest.
I had a great trip with my husband, not because I obsessed about health but because I practiced it along the way. I deliberately supported my soul and body in such a way that I could live better and experience God in greater ways and love others better. Our vision is to see people understand, value, and practice whole health in their daily lives. We are dedicated to help you experience healing in your soul and make body choices that are connected and whole. The frequency that each of you travels varies greatly but choose one or several of the ideas shared above to implement on your next trip and pay attention to the way your health is increased!
Blessed, peaceful, and healthy travels to you!
© 2024 • Keri L. Woods • Freedom Ground Ministries, LLC •