WH Green Smoothie

Wholly Healthy Smoothie Recipe for the (whole family) WIN!

-1 Organic Green Apple 
(with skin)
-1 Organic Pear 
(with skin)
-1 cup blended Organic Spinach and Kale 
(see Greens Note below)
-1 cup Mangos
-1/2 cup-3/4 cup Orange Juice 
(depending on your taste and texture preference)
-1 TBSP. Camu Powder 
(optional, but potent non-gmo Vitamin C source!)
-1/2 cup ice 
(optional, if you want to make more of a juice)
-1 squeezed lemon 
(optional, lemon is so good for us!)

Family Note: 
I serve this to my boys in 9 oz sippy cups with 1/3 water, 2/3 smoothie because they don't need it that sweet or thick! They down it :) My Jeremiah Michael requests it "Mommy I have a smoo-vie?" Boom, power-house veggie deposit.

Portion Note:
The ingredients I listed above is enough for my sons and I to all enjoy! If I'm making some for my hubby too I'd likely 1.5x the recipe and have some left over. The uncooked greens are too much for Willow's tummy yet, but soon enough she'll be joining in on the family smoothies.

Greens Note:
I buy a fresh kale bunch and bin of spinach. Within 1-2 days I combine all of those greens and about 1/2 cup water into a blender and liquify. Then I put the greens mixture into cup size freezable containers. And freeze them! This technique brought breakthrough to the consistency of my green smoothie habit and kept me from losing the race to eat all the greens in the fridge before they went bad! Ya hear me??

Green Smoothie.jpg