My Role with My Thoughts

On Mondays we practice “Master it Monday” at Wholly Healthy, where we focus on our role to discipline our minds. We engage disciplining our minds by paying attention to our thoughts, then assessing, substituting, and redirecting them. Many of us need to ground ourselves in the reality that today is Monday; it is the beginning of a new week. A week that we can impact for good by our choices. We (and that applies to every person reading this) are walking through unprecedented times in the earth. Times where we must discipline our minds-in order to endure, experience peace, and continue advancing in whole health.

Pay attention to your choices today that influence your thoughts. We can make one choice that could cause (without intervention) us to experience circular negative thoughts for an hour to follow! Our choices and thoughts really matter. Fight for your whole health today, and remember what habit you purposed to form this week. Today is your launch point. We sow for immense victory when we persevere and fight FOR our health, by making life-giving choices, in the MIDDLE of testing and trying times.

🌟A soul health habit that helps me master negative thoughts is choosing to believe that hard things that I experience: loss, lack, painful affliction, tests, and trials are used by God to be purposeful for me and others. This is the core belief to my endurance. This belief lifts me out of the traps of despairing, doubtful, confused, and offended thinking. God is the most pure person I’ve ever known and He is 100% committed to purpose. When I trust that He will use hard things for my good, my mind is redirected into relief. This scripture helps renew my mind to continuously receive this truth as life happens: “And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them” (Romans 8:28).🌟

What are you practicing today to master negative thoughts?
