
If my husband hadn’t released me and blessed my desire to serve people, my pursuit of all aspects of whole health, and my passion to carry a vision for God, Wholly Healthy wouldn’t exist as it does.

Meet my hubby, my main man, co-founder of Wholly Healthy. He is my chief editor, my prayer covering, my babysitter, my stylist, my encourager, my top strategist, my reflection partner, and my practice client. He is my MVP. —
When I feel weak facing the walls of doubt that I can give myself fully to my home AND powerfully outside of my home, he strongly says to me “we can do it”. When I lament to him over the lack of support we have, in assurance he soberly says “it’s coming”. When I put protective structures in place attempting to maintain security for my home as I go out, he chooses quietness, smiles at me with love, and by now I know he is saying “God’s got us. You were made for this.”

He makes me better.

He makes me a far more fruitful woman by inviting me to care less about the things I care too much about that hinder destiny. He may not be a health coach but he is my leader and Wholly Healthy is fruit of his honor and blessing on my life.

Thank you my love. I love you.
