Get Understanding

New concepts, ideas, information, and beliefs are introduced to us constantly. If we want something to take root in us we need to hear it, receive it, & understand it. Then wisdom is our key to applying it, living it! This is the underneath-the-surface process that must take place for us to actually change how we think, feel, and function.

I think this is both relieving and challenging!

Many of us have subscribed to the mindset that change is impossible, mostly because of our past failed attempts. So, let’s start back at the basics. I truly believe most of our failure can be tracked back to our foundational processes.

1) What are you hearing? Our hearing drives our thinking. Is what you’re hearing what you want to think about? Check. If not, change what you’re hearing. You’ve now aligned yourself to hear what you want to think about.

2) Are you properly receiving what you’re hearing? How is your focus, your retention, your softness toward what’s being delivered? These are all ways that receiving can be increased or decreased. To increase your receiving make adjustments to your environment, attention, and attitude.

3) Now let’s consider understanding. Understanding can be gained immediately, later, over the course of time, or not at all. But it will require our pursuit on some level. Revisiting the content, studying the content, speaking the content to others, seeking counsel about the content are all ways we can get understanding!

Hearing, receiving, understanding…we need each of these basic steps to have fluidity and impact within us so that we have opportunity to change. Wisdom is when we apply our understanding. If we lack understanding we can’t walk in application. In all your getting, get understanding.

Many of us need to return to the basic steps before we hold ourselves accountable to demonstrate change by walking in application. We need understanding! Consider what is missing or hindering the basic steps to getting understanding. We don’t have to have a brilliant brain to get understanding, we just have to be tenacious and diligent with the process of understanding.

Amidst all the things and ideas surrounding me and directed at me, today I am choosing to think about the sensory system, to get more understanding of the purpose and benefit of vestibular input, because I want to grow in my effectiveness as a parent.

What content do you need to spend time thinking about today in order to advance your understanding?
