Heart Health

For a whole month, though not unusual, Wholly Healthy has had undivided focused on heart health. But not heart health in the sense you probably just assumed. Instead of focusing on the body function of the heart-though so valuable and important-we’ve focused on the soul function of the heart.
This can look like the substance of our will, beliefs, motives, thoughts, values, concerns, affections, emotions, desires, worship, adoration, and more..
There is a blog series coming soon that discusses some of the journey of the heart. The discussion utilizes a handful of the many, many scriptures representing the heart as our guide.
In the meantime, let’s start thinking about our heart as soil. The Bible identifies four types of hearers in the parable in Matthew 13. These types of hearers are described by the quality of soil in their hearts. The parable describes God sowing the seed of His word into the soil of the hearts of people. The four types of hearers, or soil, or hearts are:
1. wayside soil-the calloused heart
2. stony ground-the casual heart
3. thorny ground-the crowded heart
4. good ground-the converted heart
The verses in Matthew 13:18-23 help us understand what causes each of the different types of soil. There are three levels of productivity in the hearts of those who believe, who have a heart of good ground: some produce fruit a hundredfold, some sixty, and some thirty. There is always productivity for the believing heart.
Wholly Healthy hungers for eyes to see and ears to hear. We are willing to cultivate the soil and ground of our hearts so that we may deeply receive from God, grow, and produce much fruit!
Are you with us?
