Impact Is Constant

We encounter concepts, ideas, information, and beliefs constantly. We are quite adept at collecting knowledge, but much less trained at getting understanding. We are so inundated with knowledge on a continual basis that unless we establish boundaries and prioritize getting understanding, we won’t get it! If we actually want something to take root in us and be able to produce different fruit, we need to hear, receive, & UNDERSTAND.

We must get perspective and a value for turning our knowledge into understanding. I submit to you that most of us are facing the issue of poorly stewarding our plenty of knowledge, rather than facing a lack of knowledge. Knowledge is the substance needed to get understanding. Confusion regarding this causes people to misinterpret their lack of understanding as a lack of knowledge. Then they turn to seek more knowledge, but forgo the development and growth that getting understanding produces.

🌟It’s Think it Thursday at Wholly Healthy! Today I am choosing to think about impact. I am subjecting my knowledge of my impact on others, to become understanding of my impact on others. Do you see her eyes? She is watching me. She is constantly watching me. What and how I eat, what and how I speak, how I respond, how I move, how I spend my time, what I give my attention and affection to, and more. My strongest source of accountability at this phase of my life are my children. Their continual presence and witness in my home makes me responsible for my choices and my impact. I am thinking about this today because I want to grow in the quality of my impact and this cannot happen without getting understanding. The following is a verse that is helping me understand how to steward my impact “‘Well, I have come to you now,’ Balaam replied. ‘But I can’t say whatever I please. I must speak only what God puts in my mouth’” (Numbers 22:38).🌟

What do you need to think about today to advance your understanding? Please share below 👏🏼

