Mastering Monday

Today was wild. One definition of “wild” is: deviating from the intended or expected course. Yes, that kind of wild. Wild is my adjective to describe today. As we ate dinner, my hubby asked me what were the greatest and most challenging moments. [Side note: We fiercely guard our nightly reflection time at the dinner table. That’s another beautiful topic for a different day]. I took time to consider his question, then realized neither were true. It was a wild day because it was steady, steady with professional demands, amidst the needs and presence of three powerful toddlers. I was the only adult on the scene. Yes please-take a deep breath on my behalf.

You know what I stand for when I discern wild? My health. Because if I don’t, I can’t lead anyone well.

Thankfully, my established convictions & habits create pathways for me to look for when overwhelm takes away my thoughts and breath. These pathways are equipped to restore order to my soul and body. Sometimes the restoration is immediate, other times it takes a series of choices.

Standing for my health today, looked a lot like it does every day. Mostly resolved, present, and proactive. But there was a percentage of choices today that felt unstable of which I needed to take the way out of temptation. Beware, when challenges increase, and weakness is magnified, temptation lurks. But, when we search for the way out of temptation, we can find it. Some of the ways out, that I took today:
🔸eat fruit and veggies, instead of eat crackers and cheese.
🔸drink water, instead of not drink water. 🔸pray, instead of not pray.
🔸exercise, instead of sit.
🔸drink a superfood shake, instead of not drink a superfood shake.
🔸stay physically present, instead of withdraw.
🔸give what I have to give when I have it to give, instead of prioritize self-preservation.
🔸set my phone to silent, close apps, and remove it from my presence, instead of use my phone as an escape, or false protective barrier between me and others.

Mastering Mondays happens one Monday at a time. How did you do today?
