You + Food

For the next week I invite you to join me in evaluating your personal relationship with food. If this is your first time hearing this concept “relationship with food” you may be thinking, how ridiculous. But after dedicating much attention and conversation to this topic I believe it is actually a legitimate relationship in each of our lives.

My basis for this belief is: we all have specific ways in which we think, experience, perceive, and make choices-using our soul related to food. Additionally, most acknowledge their mind, will, & emotions (soul) are involved before, during, or after consuming food. We consume food with our bodies, but the body is not where we experience relationship.

This happens in the soul.

So, I’ve concluded that a relationship between a person and food does exist. Furthermore, each person’s relationship with food really matters.

For the next several days I’ll be emphasizing why our relationship with food matters, and the connections between how we think, how we relate, and how we act. 

If we have vision and goals for our whole health, which I pray we do, sooner or later we must address whether our relationship with food is helping us advance in our health or not. Whether our eating habits are rooted in constructive or destructive mindsets. 

Intake step one…

When I feel sad, I eat ice cream. 
When I feel happy, I want to eat. 
When I feel anxious, I eat fast. 
When I feel bored, I eat chips. 
When I feel lonely, I eat peanut butter.
When I feel tired, I drink coffee. 
When I feel pain, I eat something sweet. 
When I feel stressed, I eat something salty.

When it’s cold outside, I eat soup. 
When I get an invite, my RSVP is dependent on food being included. 
When it’s hot outside, I drink a Slurpee.
When it’s Sunday, I let myself have a food “cheat day”. 
When I go to mom and dad’s for thanksgiving, I overeat. 
When I spend holidays alone, I indulge on cookie dough. 
When others provide the food, I eat triple the amount I usually eat.
When I’m with my friends, I barely eat. 

Do any of these habits, resonate?
You’re not alone! 

“Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect” (Romans 12:2, NLT).