Newness in Boldness

It’s hard for people to celebrate themselves, but their personal momentum is desperate for the fuel that celebration brings. When we recognize and celebrate our progress, we identify as winning because our measurement approach has shifted from what I am doing or becoming instead of what I am not. With this, our perception can be tuned toward victory and fueled for victory. Victory can be considered progress, moment after moment, day after day progress.

🌟Today I recognize my personal progress in boldness. For years I have lived starkly convinced that I have a purpose to fulfill in the earth, and a weighty role in fulfilling it. There has been much challenge, testing and trial to purify and refine me to better steward that purpose; and it shall continue. Through the testing, I chose to establish, or re-establish, walls. These walls were formed for various reasons, and with a variety of types of people. They were intentional, and sometimes very necessary for my healing and development. But, not all walls should stay. A time would come where the communication of my convictions with others became so disconcerted, and I felt much pain and disappointment. My resolve was to withhold sharing these convictions with anyone. How do you think that went? Not so well. The walls were in the way and hindered proper exchange. I knew that the substance within me (in due season) was to directly impact the lives of others. For that to happen I would need to show up, give, share, and declare. I would need to decide beforehand that my personal boldness, freedom, and commitment to purpose and conviction was more important than any one person’s understanding, appreciation, value, or respect. I am grateful to see and say I am making progress in boldness. The two in this photo have stunningly affected this. Because I am progressing, I am winning...and the fruit is worth the cost.🌟

What is one area YOU are making progress in? Feel free to share below. Sharing is a key to breakthrough 💪🏼
