Talk about Your Freedom

It’s hard for people to celebrate themselves, but their forward progress is desperate for the fuel that celebration provides. Wholly Healthy is determined to stand against shame and eradicate its presence that oppresses people’s lives. As a health coach I have witnessed shame as one of the most prevalent weapons successfully hindering people’s progress, or their ability to see and embrace their progress.

How do we eradicate shame? We choose to receive love, then give it. We choose to embrace ourselves and others where we are. We choose to celebrate and give thanks. And we choose to boldly command shame to bow to the name of Jesus and declare the truth that God knows us fully and loves us fully regardless of our strengths and weaknesses.

When we recognize and celebrate our progress and refuse to be disabled by shame, we can begin to perceive victory. Victory is progress, moment after moment, day after day progress. And shame has to bow; it’s Win it Wednesday.

🌟 I used to experience shame regarding how weak I felt when engaging, impacting, or leading a group of people, small or large. I didn’t perceive this context of engagement as my forte. But, all shame wanted to do was bully me, turn me against myself, and keep me from making any progress or advancing beyond this perceived weakness. Today, I recognize my personal progress in engaging, impacting, and leading groups of people. Does it always flow how I envision or desire? No. Do I feel very comfortable doing it? Definitely not. But I’ve said yes to freedom and no to shame; yes to becoming strong where I once was weaker, because I chose to receive love, and trust God’s strength is made perfect in my weakness (2 Corinthians 12:9). Because I am progressing, I am winning, and the fruit is beautiful.🌟

What is one area you are making progress in? Acknowledge it and SHARE IT. This is one way to overcome. 🙌🏼
