Macro Containers

If we look, we can usually find habits and routines in our lives that aren’t serving to advance our whole health. When we assess something from a health perspective, and find it needs to be eliminated, it’s important to immediately find something better for our health to serve as its replacement. In order to find a replacement, we must test options. Even more importantly, we need to test to find a replacement that we like enough to repeat doing, using, or consuming.

I always coach people toward the replacement that they will have the highest likelihood of following through with- doing, using, or consuming on a daily or weekly basis. I can provide hundreds of excellent replacement ideas but the best idea for a client is the one they will do, use, or consume, repeatedly, for their whole health’s sake.

🌟Have you ever tested macronutrient containers to manage portion sizes, and plan your nutrient consumption? These containers don’t reflect all that should be consumed in one day, and you can decide how many times per day each container is filled and consumed according to your nutrition and body health goals. These containers have been a corrective visual cue for me. They’ve helped me reduce daily carb consumption, not over-consume healthy fats (which I like to do!), and monitor my seed consumption. Utilizing this sort of tool may be just what you need to connect your food knowledge to your food discipline. Before you eat it, make sure it finds a container!🌟

Please reach out to me for how to get started with this type of nutritional approach! It’s not too hard, and can be so helpful.👊🏼
