Foundation Matters

This was the highlight of my day. I’ve stepped foot on the grounds of this Centre many times, but never seen this. How did I miss something so stunning in a very public place? Maybe it was dark, maybe I was on the other side of the green, maybe many people were passing over it? Or maybe I wasn’t supposed to see it until today? I don’t know what year this concrete was laid or how many eyes have caught this original dedication. But it’s real. Perhaps this inscription can be traced back to the founder of Midway, the real-estate company who developed City Centre. If someone reading this knows, please advise. I imagine this value was firmly carried in a person’s heart and now we can see a physical representation of how legacy works. It continues, it upholds, it stands, it represents.

Much pressure and movement has hit this inscription since it dried. Many visitors have come and gone and others planted and built with varying beliefs or personal dedications, but this foundation remains. “To God be the Glory”. ✨

Each night me and my children and my husband declare exuberantly the Lord’s prayer. This prayer, written out in Matthew 6: 5-13 concludes with: “for Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen.” The glory is God’s forever. It always has been and always will be. This truth stands beyond our unbelief, our pride, our denial, our arrogance, our greed, or our lust for adoration. There is freedom when we resolve in our hearts: not to me, but to God be the glory! ✨

Foundation matters. Legacy matters. Any other narrative is false. So, choose well, for “their” sake. May the footsteps of all the present owners, managers, employees, and visitors of City Centre be lead back to this inscription, may their hearts be reminded who the glory belongs to.

