Not Your Talent

“Give us this day our daily bread” (Matthew 6:11, KJV)

Wholly Healthy’s initiative this month is to receive promises through God’s word every day about strength. We are doing this so that we can renew our minds and sow belief into our heart’s that God is our strength, and that He wants to be our strength. We are making this foundation a priority in the midst of much cultural and national momentum for change and resolution derived from human strength. 

In Matthew 6 Jesus gives us an example of how to pray and in verse 11 He guides us to ask God to give us everything we need to make it through the day. Accomplishing any whole health goal requires daily thought or action. This process requires so much strength! Much more than we have. But God says He will give us what we need (strength) each day, each day. Not yesterday, not tomorrow, but “this day”. This is such a powerful, counter-cultural, counter-comfortable way of existing. One day at a time, totally trusting God. 

At the beginning of this year I felt lead to share daily scriptures regarding strength, and my personalization of them, with you. I’ve desired for my sharing to be rich and relatable. Welp, we’re twelve days in and I feel blank, like I can’t write one sentence. I am in the very middle of a strength test! Whose strength am I going to refer to mine or God’s? Temptation has come to work my own strength and administer my talent of developing and communicating thoughts in writing. I know well my operation with this talent-I know its rhythm, requirements, feeling, flow, and sound. I know its ebb and flow process until completion of meditation, testing, deepening, and cohesion. But for three days these characteristics have been ______________. So, I cried out to God. And He showed my heart this: “I will give you, your daily bread. I will give you what to write, each day, when you go to write it. Not before, not after. I set this initiative, not you, and I will see it through. Just get in position. Depend on my strength, not your talent.”

Talent can be a distraction and we can be provoked to utilize it while disconnected from God. We can think our talent is our strength, but it’s not. Only God is.

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