Forgive & Forgive Again

Sometimes practicing whole health looks like offering forgiveness, every day, every hour, when you’re hurt, when you’re angry, in the middle of the injustice, before they repent, before they apologize, before they “get it”.
When I was desperate for the healing that victory in forgiveness would bring in my relationship with my son, one key became clear for victory: keep the accounts short. So I started practicing what has now become a daily discipline in that relationship. Whenever he tells me he is sorry for something he has done, my immediate response without hesitation is to look at him, initiate physical embrace, and say out loud with a made up mind and sincere heart “okay. I forgive you. I love you.” God has repaired my heart through this practice! What astounds me is, I said yes to healing and growing in my role as parent and now when I wrong my son and ask him if he can forgive me, he immediately looks at me and says “of course”. 💚😭🤲🏼
P.s. Make up your mind to forgive before someone needs your forgiveness.

P.p.s. Forgiveness deeply impacts the soul and body, and is required to walk in whole health.

Are you willing to forgive them now?
