Steady Bow

“But his bow remained strong and steady and rested in the Strength that does not fail him, for the arms of his hands were made strong and active by the hands of the Mighty God of Jacob…”(Genesis 49:24, AMPC).

Joseph is a bible character who I honor immensely! His life challenges me deeply. I’d like to share with you some of the details about Joseph’s journey that are included in the bible and why it’s so meaningful to study how he relied on God as his strength. 

·      Joseph was born to Jacob and Rachel after many years of infertility. 

·      He was highly favored by his father, Jacob. 

·      Joseph’s brothers were jealous of him and angered by details of a dream he had shared with them in his youth.

·      When Joseph was 17 his brothers threw him into a pit.

·      Shortly after he was thrown into a pit, his brothers sold him into slavery. 

·      In the midst of being a slave, Joseph was appointed head over Potiphar’s estate, until Potiphar’s wife tried to seduce Joseph, but accused Joseph of enticing her.

·      Potiphar responded by putting Joseph in prison. 

·      The prison warden appointed Joseph as his right-hand-man.

·      Joseph accurately interpreted two fellow prisoners’ dreams. 

·      Joseph accurately interpreted Pharoah’s dreams. 

·      Pharaoh appointed Joseph as his viceroy and tasked him with readying the nation for the years of famine.

·      Joseph’s brothers journeyed to where Joseph was to buy precious food from the viceroy, not realizing that he was their very own brother.

·      Joseph used this opportunity to observe whether his brothers truly regretted having sold him. Joseph tested his brothers.

·      Once he saw their devotion toward their brother Benjamin, Joseph decided to reveal his true identity to his brothers.

·      Joseph forgave his brothers for what they had done to him, and assured them that he wouldn’t use his power against them now.

·      Joseph told his brothers that God had purposed Joseph’s journey and that He had sent him to Egypt. 

·      Joseph showed benevolence, favor, and generosity to his brothers. 

·      Joseph went on as viceroy and received his wife Asenath. 

·      Joseph and Asenath had two sons.

·      Joseph ruled Egypt for a total of eighty years, until his death at the age of 110.

 The depiction of Joseph’s life in the bible shows us what can happen when someone chooses a victorious attitude in the midst of adversity. Joseph continued to walk uprightly and with integrity despite injustice. Because of his commitment to operate this way he found favor and promotion, even in prison! Injustice and adversity couldn’t ruin Joseph’s destiny, they actually proved to serve the development of his character which only supported his destiny’s fulfillment. Joseph’s source of strength was God, so he succeeded.

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