Pieces on the Pathway

The book of Proverbs-in the Holy, inspired Bible; the unfailing, unchanging Word of God-includes description for the pathway to health in ways the majority of cultures aren’t discussing, the mainstream media isn’t spotlighting, and in ways we’d rather avoid, or didn’t previously believe or respect.

In this book we read that health can be experienced through:
1) Keeping God’s words within our heart.
2) Humbling ourselves.
3) Fearing the Lord.
4) Turning completely from evil.
5) A joyful, cheerful heart.
6) A faithful ambassador.
7) A peaceful heart.
8) Pleasant words.
9) The tongue of the wise.

In this book we’ve been counseled on what is detrimental to our health:
1) Letting God’s words out of our sight.
2) Being wise in our own eyes.
3) Disregarding the Lord.
4) Engaging in evil.
5) A broken heart.
6) Jealousy.
7) Words that pierce like a sword.

The most significant theme regarding health that was revealed to me within this collection of scripture was the impact the spiritual and emotional health of the heart has on the health of the soul (mind, will, and emotions), and the body. We see this link in doctor’s offices, marriage beds, counseling rooms, church buildings, hospitals, family gatherings, and… everywhere people are. None of us are above the connectivity we were designed to experience within, or the God-designed purpose of our hearts. Our hearts are most important yet there is so much error in understanding the heart. I’m relieved this challenge didn’t just start, and the One who created all is not confused. I’ll share more on that soon. Thankfully it’s not impossible for us to recognize the health of our hearts-it’s the foundation from which we operate and surely will reveal itself in our lives.

What theme have you seen in the book of Proverbs?
