Hello, it's me!

What better way to let others get to know me more, than to share what I am thankful for…

I thank JEHOVAH GOD for: 

·      My parents choosing to spell my name K-e-r-i. 

·      My parents giving their best to mine, and my family’s lives, always.

·      My Bellotti brothers.

·      My parents marrying, then remarrying each other.

·      My husband @jeremiahjwoods making me his wife in 2013 and keeping me as his love ever since.

·      My three precious children who are full of LIFE and have made our lives FULL.

·      Three healthy pregnancies and childbirths.

·      The opportunity to steward a mighty vision with my husband. 

·      Wholly Healthy & Freedom Aloud 

·      The trust to serve people’s spirit, soul, and body health. 

·      Every ounce of progress in freedom and health that anyone has gained by way of connection to Wholly Healthy.

·      Allowing me to know the cheer and joy of radical giving.

·      Giving me hope, vision, wisdom.

·      Trusting me to impact others’ lives. 

·      Helping me understand & see. 

·      Giving me strength. 

·      Showing me courage. 

·      Delivering me from fear.

·      Delivering me from performance.

·      Healing my heart every day.

·      Inviting me into rest every day.

·      Giving me spiritual tools and gifts, to be utilized in prayer. 

·      Allowing me to encounter Him as I worship Him.

·      The purpose of tests and trials with people.

·      Establishing conviction in my heart for righteousness, stewardship, obedience, respect, Truth, justice, health, & kindness.

·      Giving me grace to do more than I think I can do, be who I don’t think I can be, say what I don’t think I can say, give what I don’t think I have to give, love how I don’t think I can love.

·      Saving me. 

·      The strength in my body, the soundness in my mind, & the commitment in my heart. 

·      The collection of pastors, mentors, teachers, & leaders that have given their best to my life.

·      The opportunity to explore, study, serve, and work in multiple countries & continents. 

·      Strategies every hour to steward that which I’ve been given.

·      The people who are willing to really listen in order to be close to me. 

·      A long walk outside just before dusk.

·      Breaks in my lifestyle for solitude!

·      The Bible-the only book that is living!!!

·      Cameras, to capture the sights and sounds that make life beautiful. 

·      Peace in my soul.

·      Unity in relationships-nothing like it!

·      Hugs. 

·      Pure water!

·      The ability to dance & sing. 

·      Good, whole, clean food!!!

·      Connecting and walking with others who are hungry for God, His voice, His Word, and His ways!

·      His faithfulness.


Tell me 3 things you’re thankful for!
