"If I lose my health, then...?"

I’ve heard the rhetorical question posed “if a person doesn’t have their health, what do they have?” The idea implied is sobering-that though we are resilient beings we’re also fragile and our earthly bodies, finite. It is staggering to consider how much we lose if we lose our health.

So what can we do? Count the cost of investing options, then invest. Don’t stop at counting. Weigh the timing & opportunities, and with a yes, take the step.

If I lose my health what do I have?

In mine and my husband’s toughest seasons, we’ve said out loud to each other, “okay, let’s focus on the next thirty minutes, we can get through this, in thirty minute increments.” Let’s correlate this to preserving or restoring health, 30 minutes at a time.

Lens of possibilities:
Sow time, reap longevity. 
Sow exertion, reap energy. 
Sow awake hours, reap quality sleep. 
Sow money, reap perspective.
Sow willingness, reap freedom.
Sow vulnerability, reap fulfillment. 
Sow courage, reap assurance. 
Sow health, reap health.

Which 30-minute block is worth the cost, for your health?

📝 dedicate 30 minutes to write out thoughts.
🏃🏻‍♀️dedicate 30 minutes to deliberate exercise.
💯 dedicate 30 minutes to being coached.
🙏🏼 dedicate 30 minutes to prayer.
👁 dedicate 30 minutes to being known in a relationship.
🍉 dedicate 30 minutes to write a grocery list.
🧼 dedicate 30 minutes to clean.
👂🏽dedicate 30 minutes to listen.
🏔 dedicate 30 minutes to write vision.
🤲🏼 dedicate 30 minutes to serve someone.
📚 dedicate 30 minutes to read.
🥘 dedicate 30 minutes to cook a nutritious meal.
💔 dedicate 30 minutes to feel the grief.
🔍 dedicate 30 minutes to adjust the plan.
✂️ dedicate 30 minutes to decide the lifestyle pieces to cut.
🌟dedicate 30 minutes to write goals.
🌳dedicate 30 minutes to absorb nature.
✨dedicate 30 minutes to sing to God.

What if whole health really was within our grasp, thirty minutes at a time?

🌟Lean steadily toward the people living how you want to live, in the health you want to have. Your yes and your step to start sowing again, or differently is full of power. If that step for health is in our direction we’re ready for you.🌟
