
God chose to bring increase to these women in the bible. Not increase for the sake of fame, not increase for the sake of building their self-esteem, or achieving their monthly goals or new year’s resolutions. God brought increase to them to fulfill divine purpose and remain true to the design described within His word. This increase was out of their control. It came in response to their belief, sowing, and surrender. Increase that may have come through “man”, but from God. Increase that involved cost and requirement, yet validated why they were alive. Increase that God intended for them to fulfill if they were so willing. And, if they were unwilling God would have raised up others instead to accomplish His purposes.

It is humbling to even wear a shirt that displays their names. These women said yes. They took such risk that men and women would read about for ages to come. They are women for all to study, honor, and consider. They were loved, appointed, and increased by God.

Here and now, increase may come in energy in the morning, a new relationship, or self-control with food. Increase may come in income, retention of information, or grace for application. It may come in patience with self, or joy in marriage; or perhaps in influence in the neighborhood or community. Increase may come in a new strategy to solve an old problem, or opportunities offered through relationships. It may come in favor with children, affection from a spouse, or restored relationship with a parent.

The majority of people’s testimony of increase won't be publicly displayed or exhibited through material. Increase is not limited to publicity or material. It can be found in the very fabric of our lives if we look for it, if we sow for it, if we believe. Celebrate increase because it comes from God! “I planted, Apollos watered, but God [all the while] was making it grow and [He] gave the increase. So neither he who plants is anything nor he who waters, but [only] God Who makes it grow and become greater.” 1 Corinthians 3:6-7

I’m going into 33, and 2020 believing, sowing, surrendered! 
